Cars for Sale - Place your own advert
Place your own advert to sell your car from just £30 for 3 months.
Your advert will:
- Appear in our web shop for a minimum of 90 days
- Be distributed to a direct mailing list of around 300 subscribed enthusiasts every two weeks
- Be promoted on the VPOC Facebook page every two weeks
- Be featured as a Quarter Page advert (Max 150 words/ pictures in lieu of text) in the next episode of Carriagecraft Magazine (additional £10 for non-members)
If you sell your car through the online shop by Debit/ Credit Card or Paypal, you will also incur the following sellers fees:
1.4% +20p for European Cards
2,9% +20p for non-European Cards
3.4% +20p for Paypal.
Or as otherwise incurred by the Club.
You are free to make your own payment arrangements outside of the shop and will then not incur any sellers fees.
Carriagecraft adverts are subject to available space.
Deadlines for submission of content for inclusion are:
15th March for April/ May/ June Issue
15th June for July/ August/ September Issue
15th September for October/ November/ December Issue
15th December for January/ March/ February Issue
Please place your order online and enter your advert text in the box provided.
Maximum 500 characters plus up to 12 photographs for the online shop advert/ e-mailing list/ Facebook adverts.
Max 150 words/ pictures in lieu of text will be published in Carriagecraft.
Please email any photos/ pictures after checkout to
Please note that we can only accept photos or pictures in the following formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF.
All advertisements are non-refundable.